Practice Areas

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Our Legal Practice Areas

Family Law

Our legal advisors will work with you to help you resolve your family law…

Commercial Law

Are you having some legal problems with your business such as contract disputes, or…

Wills & Estates

Estate planning and preparation of your Will can help your loved ones avoid legal…

Criminal Law

There is a myriad of criminal offences one can be charged with in Victoria.…

Consistent with our values and culture here at KGM Legal, we are of the firm view that everyone has the right to fair legal representation. With our experience and knowledge, we ensure that our clients are strongly represented in all legal matters.

Our team of legal professionals’ pride themselves on their ability to provide superior legal advice, guidance and an overall outstanding service to our clients. We
understand that navigating the legal system can often be a time of confusion and
emotional strain.

Book a Consultation

At KGM Legal, our mission is to exceed our clients’ expectations by providing exceptional practical, innovative and cost-effective legal services within a safe and emotionally supportive environment. We are committed to developing meaningful relationships and pursuing the best possible outcomes for our clients.
Office Hours
Monday to Friday:

8:30 AM - 6:00 PM

Saturday to Sunday:


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